Soothing Teething Babies

Teething can be extremely uncomfortable for your little ones. And so, it is vital to use the correct methods to reduce their uneasiness and soothe them. Generally, babies start developing teeth when they are about six months old. The teething process continues till they reach the age of two years.

Teething babies

As per pediatric dentistry, a baby’s teeth development has the five following stages:

  • Stage 1: This stage takes place when the babies are between 0-6 months old. Babies are born with a set of twenty teeth that stay below their gums.
  • Stage 2: When babies are about six months old, their first teeth – the upper and lower incisors- erupt.
  • Stage 3: During 10 to 14 months of age, babies start developing and erupting their primary molars. These teeth emerge in the back of their mouth and can be accompanied by excessive drooling and loss of appetite.
  • Stage 4: When babies turn about 16 to 22 months old, their canine teeth will start erupting.
  • Stage 5: Finally, at the age of about 25 to 33 months, their large molars erupt, and after that, the teething process concludes.

Here are a few common signs and symptoms of teething in babies:

  • Excessive crankiness and irritability
  • Swollen and red gums
  • Excessive drooling
  • Loss of appetite or decreased appetite
  • The urge to bite and chew things around them

Safe ways to soothe teething babies

Pediatric dentists recommend the following ways to soothe your teething babies:

  • Massage their gums with a wet cloth. It reduces inflammation.
  • Feed them cold foods like applesauce, chilled fruits, yogurt, etc. Cold foods give a soothing sensation to their gums and are easier to eat during this time.
  • You can also give them cool items like chilled teethers or baby spoons.
  • In case your baby is struggling with too much pain or discomfort, ask your pediatric dentist for over-the-counter medications.

Along with using the above soothing methods, it is also essential to avoid the following things:

  • Avoid teething instruments like bracelets and necklaces as they have a risk of strangulation or choking.
  • Further, you should also avoid herbal products, frozen items, teething gels, and theaters filled with gels. There are no studies in pediatric dentistry that have found these things to be effective. In fact, they can have long-term side effects on your baby’s health.

Caring for babies’ gums and first teeth

A good oral hygiene routine is important for keeping your baby’s gum healthy and strong.

  • Start dental care before their first tooth appears. When your baby is roughly three months old, you can gently wipe their gums with a clean cloth twice a day. This will prepare them for brushing once their teeth start growing.
  • Once their first tooth appears, you can gently brush it with a soft washcloth.
  • Introduce a toothbrush to your baby gradually.
  • At Ashraf Dentistry, we recommend scheduling your baby’s first visit to a dentist before they turn one year old. If unsure, you can call your pediatric dentist to discuss your baby’s dental health and schedule a visit accordingly.


So there you have it – the safest ways to soothe teething babies. Make sure to use the methods mentioned above; we are confident they will help your little one feel more comfortable and less cranky.

In case nothing works and your baby has a fever and increased gum soreness, make sure to visit a pediatric dentist. Contact Ashraf Dentistry today for more information.

Why We Should All Fight Sugar Cravings

Many people frequently crave sugar. Healthcare professionals consider sugar cravings a fundamental cause of unhealthy and unbalanced diets.

Why do we crave sugar?

There are numerous reasons why people crave sugar. Some of them include the following:


Research has shown that long-term stress has a substantial impact on sugar cravings. Eating sugar can give the body a boost of dopamine, giving the impression of a happy feeling. But consuming too much sugar can cause blood sugar levels to become out of balance, which in turn raises stress.

Nutritional deficiencies

The deficiency of nutrients like magnesium, zinc, chromium, calcium, and iron can cause sugar cravings. Eat a balanced diet containing fruits, nuts, vegetables, and lentils to avoid this.


Hormones like estradiol, estrogen, and progesterone secretion can cause sugar cravings in women.


Thirst can sometimes be masked as sugar cravings.

Poor diet

Consuming too much processed food and less protein can lead to sugar cravings. Sugar is an addictive substance; therefore, the more you consume, the more likely you are to search for sweet snacks. Sugary items release dopamine and opioids, creating the link between sugar and addiction.

The impact of sugar on our oral health

Sugar is a significant cause of tooth decay along with bacteria in pediatric dentistry. Excess sugar affects the oral health of both kids and adults. The impact of sugar on our oral health includes:

  • Sugar attracts two types of bacteria, Streptococcus sorbrinus, and Streptococcus mutans, that feed on it. These bacteria’s create plaque, a colorless, sticky substance on the tooth surface that changes the acidity in the oral cavity. The plaque cannot be rinsed away by brushing or with saliva. It requires professional dental cleaning.
  • Processed sugars cause plaque that can dissolve the enamel when the acidity in the oral cavity drops below 5.5. This leads to cavities and tooth decay.
  • Sugar can cause gum disease, which can worsen when left untreated and become periodontitis. Periodontitis-causing bacteria have the ability to spread throughout your body, attacking organs like the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Periodontitis-causing bacteria can also build up and lead to blood clots blocking arteries, leading to coronary artery disease.

How to beat sugar cravings

Sugar cravings can be curbed with a little effort and some simple tips, including:

  • Have a filling breakfast. Breakfasts with a lot of protein can curb sugar cravings.
  • Drink a lot of water because dehydration can cause cravings. To enhance your water’s flavor, add berries, lemon, or something similar.
  • Plan all your meals beforehand to avoid blood sugar drops.
  • Forgo artificial sweeteners that have been known to boost sugar cravings, like sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame.
  • When you have a sugar craving, try to eat something sour. The acidic taste might pique your taste buds and take your mind off sugar.
  • Eat turmeric and ginger regularly to avoid insulin resistance.

If you have eaten or drunk something with too much sugar, you can protect your teeth with some simple tips:

  • Rinse your mouth properly after eating or drinking something sugary.
  • Drink some water after consuming sweets.
  • Brush your teeth about 30 to 60 minutes after consuming sweets.
  • Chew sugar-free gum.
  • Visit a dentist for dental cleanings regularly.


Excessive sugar is a dangerous thing that can affect oral and physical health. Visit your dentist regularly, and speak to your physician. When it comes to kicking sugar to the curb, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Dental Care And Pregnancy

Dental care during pregnancy determines the health of the baby as well as the mother. Let’s find out more about the relationship between pregnancy and oral health and why taking care of your dental health during pregnancy is essential.

Importance of oral care during pregnancy

A couple of studies show the relationship between oral problems and pregnancy complications. The most common link is between gum disease and premature birth. Women with unhealthy gums are up to 7 times more likely to give birth prematurely. Premature babies are often born underweight and continue to face problems in their infancy years.

Pregnancy leads to several physical and emotional changes in women’s bodies. As a result, their dental health can also decline. You should pay particular attention to your oral health during and before pregnancy.

Pregnancy and its effects on the oral cavity

Various dental conditions are common during pregnancy. Fortunately, a qualified dentist can treat most of these conditions, even during pregnancy. For example, dentists can now even perform dental x-rays during pregnancy due to improvements in x-ray technologies.

Pregnancy gingivitis is a common oral issue during pregnancy. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy make the gums more susceptible to plaque. This leads to pregnancy gingivitis – a condition that causes pain and bleeding in the gums.

Cavities and tooth decay are common among pregnant women, mainly due to changed eating habits. People often crave sugary drinks and food during pregnancy. Coupled with poor dental hygiene, this can lead to tooth decay. The mother may even pass the harmful mouth bacteria to the child during or after pregnancy.

Pregnancy tumors refer to big lumps of inflamed gum tissues. While it’s called a tumor, it’s neither malignant nor does it spread. Pregnancy tumors are simply the body’s reaction to food and plaque in localized parts. Women with pregnancy gingivitis are more likely to get pregnancy tumors.

Morning sickness is the overall nauseous feeling many pregnant women have during the first and second trimesters. Morning sickness itself does not damage teeth or gums. However, persistent vomiting can affect the enamel. It can also prevent women from taking care of their dental health, especially in the morning when it’s the most important. Switching to a bland toothpaste can help some people; alternatively, others should attempt at least to rinse their mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash during pregnancy.

Dental habits during pregnancy

Your dental habits shouldn’t change significantly during pregnancy. You must continue to brush and floss twice a day and go for routine dental checkups. However, brushing can be a problem for some pregnant women who feel like throwing up every time they try to brush. Electric brushes can be helpful in such cases. If you don’t feel like brushing due to morning sickness, try a homemade rinse with baking soda and water.

It’s also essential to manage sugar cravings during pregnancy. For example, you can switch to fruit-infused drinks instead of sugary sodas and juices. Also, keep sugar-free snacks handy.

Specific vitamins and minerals can help you maintain oral health during pregnancy. Ask for supplement recommendations from your dentist if you feel you can benefit from them.


Following these steps and suggestions, you can ensure oral hygiene and health during pregnancy. Reach out to your dentist for help with specific pregnancy-related teeth and gum concerns.

TMJ Solutions

Everyone has experienced tooth or jaw pain at some point in their life. But when this pain becomes a constant fixture in your life, it might be the result of an underlying condition called TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorder.

What is TMJ

TMJ is a common disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint, which connects the skull and the jaw bone of your body. Though TMJ can develop at any age, the most commonly affected individuals range between the ages of 20 and 40. Women are also more susceptible to the disease compared to men.

Detecting TMJ/TMD is a bit challenging due to the unavailability of standard tests and widely varying symptoms. The dentist usually notes the physical symptoms and then examines the jaw, neck, face, and head. Diagnosis is also obtained based on X-rays, CTs, and MRI scans.

Causes and Symptoms

Untreated TMJ / TMD can result in serious health issues like inflammation and chronic pain. Additionally, it can lead to tooth erosion, bite problems, and chronic illnesses like insomnia, sleep apnea, anxiety, and depression.

Some ways to help reduce the risk of TMJ/TMD include:

  • Practice good posture
  • Do jaw exercises regularly
  • Massage the jaw muscles
  • Avoid chewing gum
  • Eat soft foods
  • Destress

TMJ Solutions

The majority of individuals with TMJ disorders have minor or recurrent issues, which may go away on their own after a few weeks of home therapy. But in some severe cases, medical care is necessary. The TMJ/TMD solutions offered by dentists at Ashraf Dentistry include the following:

Botox Therapeutics

Though used extensively for smoothing wrinkles, Botox Therapeutics can also be used to treat muscle tension, headaches, and jaw pain. Botox Therapeutics blocks neurotransmitters that cause contractions in muscles. Injecting this form of Botox will help reduce the clenching and grinding of the jaw muscles, thus decreasing the pain and headaches. Neuromuscular communication is restored after three or four months. This is usually preferred by patients who do not want to use nightguards.


A nightguard is a piece of soft or hard plastic resembling a retainer. Since each patient’s teeth are unique, a nightguard is manufactured specifically for them by shaping them to suit their teeth without running the danger of being painful or overly thick. Ashraf Dentistry offers on-site night guard printing. 3-D printing provides higher-quality, cost-effective, and precision nightguards at a more incredible speed. The advantages of wearing nightguards include the following:

  • Protect teeth from harm
  • Prevents TMJ/TMD
  • Eliminates chronic headaches
  • Improves sleep
  • Cost-effective

Reduce stress

Stress may make people clench their jaw or grind their teeth, causing trauma to the jaw. Try meditation, yoga, or other techniques to relieve stress and relax the jaw muscles.

Try exercising your jaw

Jaw mobility and flexibility can be improved with jaw exercises. The pain and discomfort due to TMD can be eased by stretching, strengthening, and relaxing jaw exercises.

Adjust your posture

Long stretches of time spent sitting in an uncomfortable position can make your jaw pain worse. Always sit upright and provide ample support for your back.

Visit your dentist

In the event of jaw pain or discomfort, see your dentist and follow their instructions.

TMJ/TMD is a disease that requires proper medical treatment. It can be easily treated with a combination of medicines, procedures, and lifestyle changes.


Are you experiencing TMJ symptoms? Contact Ashraf dentistry today!

Common Causes Of Tooth Pain In The Morning

If you are dealing with severe tooth pain in the morning, you are not alone! In the Healthline article, Corey Whelan talks about the seven common causes of tooth pain in the morning. Ashraf Dentistry shares their professional views and commentary on the same.

Seven significant causes of tooth pain in the morning


In the Healthline article, Corey Whelan shares that sleep bruxism causes people to clench their jaws. Bruxism also causes individuals to grind their teeth throughout their sleep cycle. Ashraf Dentistry agrees to this and expresses, “bruxism is also referred to as teeth-grinding. Sleep bruxism is a common cause of toothache in the morning and can result in jaw pain, earache, and headache.”


In the Healthline article, Corey Whelan claims sinusitis to be a common cause of tooth pain in the morning. Ashraf Dentistry explains, “since sinuses are located just above our teeth, an infection in them can cause teeth sensitivity and pain. Your teeth’ roots are in close proximity and can even extend into the sinus area. The infection can cause pressure on your upper molars when you sleep, causing them to hurt.”

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

TMJ disorder is another common reason for toothache in the morning. Ashraf Dentistry is in agreement and shares, “our temporomandibular joint joins our skull to our jawbone. So, any irritation or inflammation of this joint can cause severe pain. Other symptoms of this disorder include face pain, earache, headache, and migraines. Botox Therapeutics is a service we offer to our patients. Botox Therapeutics can help ease facial nerve pain within a few days and provide extended relief for months. ”


Ashraf Dentistry recommends treating cavities as soon as possible. “If left ignored for long, cavities can cause severe teeth decay of the teeth’s inner layer and cause severe pain.” Ashraf Dentistry also suggests following a good dental cleaning routine to keep cavities at bay. Although an at-home routine is essential, visiting the dentist for a thorough checkup and dental cleaning is always recommended. Your dentist will be able to spot any irregularities and therefore offer suitable treatment for your oral health requirements.

Gum disease

Gum disease, also known as gingivitis, can cause swollen gums that can bleed and hurt, says Corey Whelan in the Healthline article. Ashraf Dentistry adds, “in case of delayed gum disease treatment, the situation can turn into severe gum infection. Therefore, causing pain in the jaw bone, severe toothache, bleeding gums, and even tooth loss. In some severe cases, gum disease can also affect chewing behavior, which can also be painful.”

Impacted tooth

As per Ashraf Dentistry, “fully or partially impacted tooth can result in crowded teeth in your mouth and cause mild to severe pain. Proper dental treatment is required to resolve this issue. Treatments can include cosmetic dentistry, braces, Invisalign, or tooth extractions. ”

Tooth abscess

In the Healthline article, Corey Whelan lists tooth abscess as another common cause of tooth pain in the morning. Ashraf Dentistry agrees, “tooth abscesses are pockets of puss that can cause sharp pain in your tooth and gum. Typically the original cause of the abscess is the primary reason for the pain, for example, a cracked tooth or deep cavity. The pulp within a tooth is a combination of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. Therefore, any disruption will send signals causing pain. Additional swelling can also cause pressure resulting in sensitivity and pain.”

Tooth pain and gum disease treatment

Besides discussing common causes for tooth pain in the morning, Ashraf Dentistry also suggests some helpful treatment options.

  • Gum disease treatment: Ashraf Dentistry says, “there is a variety of gum disease treatments that can help you get rid of your tooth pain. The common ones include dental cleaning, root canal therapy, scaling, dental crowns, soft tissue graft, and more. It is advisable to consult your dentist. After assessing your oral health, they will be able to create the right treatment plan.”
  • Botox Therapeutics: This oral health treatment can help you treat issues like trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ disorder, bruxism, migraines, and much more. Botox Therapeutics is not meant for cosmetic procedures. In fact, Botox Therapeutics is strictly designed for treating dental health issues,” says Ashraf Dentistry.


Ashraf Dentistry shares, “dental pain is common and quite uncomfortable. However, with the right dental team at your side and the various treatment options, you can experience relief and get back to enjoying life.”

Caring For Your Dental Health During The Holidays

You are not alone if you struggle to maintain healthy dental habits during the holiday season. The holiday season brings with it a lot of sweets, from candies to beverages. On top of that, late-night parties and irregular sleep can break our brushing and flossing habits.

In this blog, we’ll talk about how you can enjoy the holidays to their fullest while caring for your oral health.

1. Use an electric brush

There are two persuasive reasons to switch to an electric toothbrush. First, electric toothbrushes are more effective in cleaning food particles. The second advantage makes it ideal for the holidays as a potential gift item and to help manage dental health. Lastly, an electric toothbrush works effectively on the plaque in a fraction of the time with minimal effort. With an electric toothbrush, many are equipped with a built-in timer, sensors, brushing modes, and additional functions, just smile and let the brush do the work.

2. Manage sweet consumption

Everyone loves sweets, especially kids. If you have kids in the house, minimizing their consumption of sugary treats and beverages can be challenging. Try keeping them out of site, or discussing limits is an excellent way to set sugary boundaries. Redirecting their attention to festive activities may help them forget about their sweet tooth.

In addition, it’s a good idea to take the kids to the dentist after the holiday season. According to pediatric dentistry experts, children should visit the dentist every 3 or 6 months for regular procedures like cleanings and fillings.

3. Keep dental floss with you

If you’re attending parties or going out to eat and drink, keeping some dental floss with you will come in handy. You can easily floss your teeth between meals and avoid potentially embarrassing situations. It’s a simple habit that keeps your teeth and gums healthy.

4. Use mouthwash

Mouthwash is a handy dental care product many people need to use. Regular use of mouthwash after brushing and flossing prevents infections and bad breath. But that’s not all. You can also rinse your mouth with mouthwash between meals during the day. Mouthwash refreshes your breath in a few seconds and helps you feel awake. Use mouthwash this holiday season for better oral health.

5. Schedule an appointment with a dentist

Yellow teeth, plaque, and bad breath lower our confidence and make it difficult to interact with others at social events. But a quick visit to the dentist for cosmetic dentistry procedures can give you a sparkling white smile in no time. To look and feel better, many go for teeth whitening dental treatments before the holiday season. Visiting the dentist is the only way to get safe yet quick results.

6. Give dental care gifts

From cute toothbrushes for children to at-home dental care kits, there are plenty of dental care gifts you can give your loved ones. It’s a thoughtful and helpful gift for people of all ages. Moreover, kids love to use fancy and creative dental care products. Lip balm, flavoured dental floss, and sugar-free gum makes great stocking stuffers.

7. Have a routine

It’s much easier to stick to good dental care practices when you have a daily routine. If you make it a habit to brush and floss first thing in the morning and maintain oral hygiene at night, you will breeze through the holiday season with no oral issues.

8. Use herbal products

There are hundreds of herbal dental care products in the market. If regular toothpaste and mouthwash brands aren’t working for you, try switching to herbal and all-natural dental care brands. In a pinch? Drink peppermint tea; not only is it festive, but it also helps keep your breath fresh compared to coffee.

9. Replace sweets with fruits

Can’t control your sweet tooth? A simple remedy is to swap sweet items for fruits like berries and naturally sweet dates. Natural fructose present in fruits is much less harmful than artificial sweeteners and table sugar.

10. Control coffee, tea, and soda consumption

Dark beverages have staining properties that can make your teeth darker. Coffee, tea, and carbonated drinks are the biggest culprits of teeth staining. Avoid these beverages or at least manage their consumption for better oral health. If you can not avoid these items, try drinking them through a straw to minimize staining and discolouration.

The takeaway

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums while indulging in the festivities is perfectly possible. We hope this guide helps you take care of your oral health this holiday season. If you need additional guidance, contact Ashraf Dentistry today!

The Royal Treatment, Restorative Solutions- Crowns and Bridges

Restorative dentistry aims to replace or repair broken or missing teeth. These treatments enhance the function and health of your teeth.

What is dental restoration?

Restorative dentistry is different from cosmetic dentistry. While cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving your smile, restorative dentistry is focused on enhancing oral function and health. Your dentist may recommend dental restoration procedures if your teeth are unhealthy, damaged, decayed, discolored, crooked, and worn.

The advantages of dental restoration include the following:

  • Restores health of damaged teeth
  • Replaces missing teeth
  • Enhances speaking, chewing, and eating
  • Provides cosmetic advantage

Crowns and bridges are the most common types of dental restoration procedures. Other dental restoration techniques include:

  • Inlays-onlays: They are used to fill cavities. An inlay fixes hollows and cavities between a tooth’s cusps. An onlay fills a larger region, including the cusps.
  • Root canal therapy: This technique is necessary in case of infections. The process involves cleaning and disinfecting the tooth’s inside, filling the canal, and sealing them.
  • Implants are used to replace a tooth root and function as natural teeth when used with a crown.
  • Veneers: These tooth-colored, thin shells, often made of resin-composite or porcelain materials, are used for treating discolored, broken, or chipped teeth.

All about crowns

A dental crown is a cap used to cover the entire tooth. Usually, this treatment is used to improve a tooth’s function, strengthen it, or restore its size and shape. A successful treatment results in the crown being correctly positioned and completely wrapping the tooth for protection.

Crowns are needed for:

  • cavities that cannot be filled
  • implants that need to be covered
  • teeth with cracks, wear, or weakness
  • restoration following root canals
  • poorly shaped or discolored teeth
  • decayed baby teeth due to poor dental hygiene

Porcelain crowns give a natural look, whereas zirconia crowns are durable, strong, and aesthetically pleasing. To increase the life of dental crowns:

  • brush teeth two times a day and floss daily
  • avoid things like chewing ice or eating hard candies

A popular choice of dental crown is CEREC crowns. Advantages of CEREC® Restorations include:

  • the procedure can be done on the same day, and no return visits are required
  • strong and long-lasting
  • good aesthetics
  • no silicon impressions are needed since CEREC® 3D software creates a 3-D model
  • metal free

Ashraf Dentistry offers CEREC® Restorations for implants, inlays, onlays, veneers, partial crowns, and crowns for anterior and posterior teeth.

All about dental bridges

Dental bridges, lasting around five to seven years, are used to replace one or more lost teeth by using artificial teeth to bridge the gap. A bridge is often comprised of crowns on each side of an absent tooth that support the fake tooth. The different types include:

  • traditional: has a crown at both sides of the false tooth
  • Cantilever: When a natural tooth is only on one side, false teeth are secured by a solitary crown on that tooth.
  • Maryland: uses metal or porcelain frameworks with “wings” for replacing missing front teeth.
  • Implant-supported: an implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace each lost tooth. The pontics are housed in the bridge, which is later positioned over them.

Dental bridges are needed for the following:

  • missing teeth
  • chewing difficulties
  • jaw pain
  • bite issues
  • feeling self-conscious about your smile

The advantages of dental bridges include the following:

  • creates a natural-looking smile
  • restores regular speech
  • enables efficient chewing
  • prevents movement of other teeth due to extra space
  • preserves bone density of the jaw

Dental bridges should be cleaned using denture cleaners, soft-bristled toothbrushes, and cool water.


Proper restorative solutions are necessary for enhancing oral health and function. Treat dental issues early on to avoid future complications. Contact Ashraf Dentistry today for more information on crowns and bridges.

All About Dental X-Rays

A dental x-ray is an essential tool for dentists to uncover oral issues that aren’t discoverable with a simple oral examination. An oral x-ray isn’t much different from a general x-ray. Dental x-rays are used to examine both specific dental problems and overall oral health.

All about dental x-rays

Dental x-rays are crucial for everyone because they allow a dentist to understand better what’s going on in the patient’s mouth. Dental x-rays also have preventative use. Sometimes, it can trace dental problems before they appear. For example, a dental x-ray can tell if a child is developing a decay or wisdom tooth.

Both adults and children can safely take dental x-ray tests. Dental x-rays can show decay between teeth or under existing fillings in adults. It can also trace bone loss due to infections or some other reason. Dental x-rays also detect cysts and tumors in the mouth.

Dental x-rays should be a part of your regular dental care routine; however, the frequency varies from person to person. For example, frequent dental x-rays may be necessary for people who suffer from periodontal disease or dry mouth. Smokers should also have their teeth and gums examined for traces of bone loss. If you’ve had several restorative fillings and implants, frequent dental x-rays are essential for monitoring damage.

Apart from pregnant women, dental x-rays are safe for everyone. There’s some debate about whether dental x-rays are safe for children. However, modern dental x-ray techniques release tiny amounts of radiation that are generally unharmful. So while it’s safe for children most of the time, pregnant women should avoid dental x-rays.

The dental x-ray process is simple and fast. The dentist would position the x-ray machine against your head to get a clear image of the mouth. Patients don’t need to take any preparatory steps for dental x-rays.

Types of dental x-rays

Two primary dental x-rays are available for oral health: intraoral and extraoral. As the names suggest, the x-ray is inside or outside the mouth, depending on the type of x-ray you are getting.

There are subtypes of intraoral and extraoral x-rays as well.

Intraoral x-ray types are:

  • Bitewing X-rays: For information about the teeth in one section of the mouth, both the upper and lower.
  • Periapical X-rays are for the entire tooth. Therefore, from the crown to the point past the root that fuses with the jaw.
  • Occlusal X-rays: To follow a complete arch of teeth’s growth and placement.

Extraoral x-rays include:

  • Panoramic X-rays: For each tooth in the upper and lower jaws
  • Tomograms- For specific mouth “slices” or layers
  • Panoramic X-rays: For issues with the salivary glands, like blockages or Sjogren’s syndrome

Innovation at its best – 3D panoramic dental x-rays

Dental x-ray technologies have improved significantly over the last few years, most notably with the introduction of 3D panoramic dental x-rays. 3D x-rays are safer due to lower radiation levels. More importantly, they are useful for detecting nerve canal paths and hidden roots. It’s also more helpful for teeth issues like root canal therapy. In addition, 3D x-ray technologies are cheaper, faster, and safer than traditional x-ray machines.


If you haven’t had a dental x-ray in a long time, it might be time to visit your dentist and get a 3D panoramic x-ray of your teeth and gums. We hope this guide enlightens you about the importance of dental x-rays.

The 101 Of A Sinus Lifting Procedure

With an increase in dental implant procedures, sinus lifting has also gained popularity.

What is a sinus lifting procedure?

A sinus augmentation or sinus lift is a procedure that makes placing dental implants easier. Some people who require dental implants may lack the bone density needed for implants due to bone loss. Bone loss usually happens due to advanced periodontitis, disease, infection, or missing teeth. Teeth loss can occur due to gum disease, cavities, trauma, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, poor nutrition, and smoking. A sinus lifting adds bone to the area between the premolars and the molars.

The reasons why someone requires a sinus lift procedure include the following:

  • the maxillary sinus is too near to the upper jaw
  • tooth loss
  • tooth decay
  • periodontal disease

What you need to know about the process


This dentist analyzes a patient’s oral health after physical examinations and imaging studies. The individual case will guide the dentist in choosing the most suitable graft. These include:

  • Allogeneic bone: from cadavers
  • Autogenous bone: taken from your body
  • Xenograft: cow bone


The steps in the procedure include the following:

  • The surgeon cuts the upper jaw’s gum tissue.
  • The jawbone is then made visible by raising your gum tissue.
  • The dentist makes a small circular cut in your bone.
  • The bone fragment is then raised into your maxillary sinus cavity.
  • The hole is then filled using some graft material, and the incision is closed.

Recovery and aftercare

Dental implants will be inserted between 4 and 12 months after the surgery. The length of this time depends on the amount of grafting material used.

For proper recovery:

  • use antibiotics
  • avoid sneezing and vigorous nasal blowing
  • avoid brushing until the doctor recommends
  • avoid drinking with a straw
  • avoid smoking

Treatments to help ease the process

Ashraf Dentistry offers deep IV sedation dentistry and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) at his clinic to ease anxious patients and support speedy healing when having a sinus lift procedure.

Sedation dentistry

In sedation dentistry, medication is used to make patients more comfortable during procedures on their teeth. Except for those individuals who are given general anesthesia, patients are often awake during the process. The benefits of this technique include the following:

  • no delay in dental work due to patient anxiety
  • the dentist can perform complex procedures efficiently
  • fast-acting sedation reducing procedure time
  • dosage adjustment according to the patient’s needs is easy
  • conscious sedation so you can respond to verbal cues
  • almost no recall of the procedure

Sedation dentistry is required for individuals with the following:

  • low pain tolerance
  • dental phobia or anxiety
  • need for complex or multiple dental works
  • difficulty staying still
  • severe gag reflex
  • sensitive teeth
  • difficulty responding to sedatives

Ashraf Dentistry has a specially-trained anesthesiologist who controls and monitors the amount of sedation you’ll receive, ensuring safe and effective control levels.

PRP Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Plasma, the liquid component of blood, is mainly composed of protein and water. It enables the movement of white and red blood cells through the bloodstream. Platelets, a specific variety of blood cells, are crucial to healing and help the blood clot. They contain thousands of growth factor-related proteins. PRP injections can be used to assist patients in recovering quickly from treatments done to the throat, mouth, nose, and jaw. It is extensively used in gum disease treatment, tooth extraction, and dental implant surgery. Most patients who undergo dental surgery or procedure are good candidates for PRP therapy. It has been used in various oral and maxillofacial procedures, from simple tooth extractions and dental implants to more complicated bone grafts.

The advantages include the following:

  • Enhances the rate of bone formation
  • Increase bone density surrounding implants
  • Promotes bonding of bone grafts to patients’ own bone
  • Tissue regeneration
  • Faster healing of incision sites
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Lessen discomfort and pain


Sinus lifting is a procedure with a high success rate when you follow all instructions and is performed by the right dentist.

Ready when you are

Lamine Diallo
Lamine Diallo
02:21 15 Jun 22
My family and I have been receiving care from Dr. Ashraf and his amazing team since we first moved to Waterloo in 2002. His assessment skills are spot on, he is gentle and is very skilled at working with anxious\nervous patients. My dental hygienist is Lin who is very knowledgeable, and passionate about her work. She is amazingly gentle yet very,very thorough when it comes to preventative dental care. She is didactic as well, taking the time to teach patients how to use certain equipment as well as addressing gingivitis in pro-active ways. We are in very capable hands.
Trisa Kapetaneas
Trisa Kapetaneas
18:12 01 Jun 22
I have been a patient here for over 2 years now and I've always enjoyed the experience. The staff are professional and have always made me feel comfortable. I recently had a cleaning done by Lynn for the first time and she was amazing! Will continue to visit for my checkups/cleanings.
Aamir Mirza
Aamir Mirza
14:54 03 May 22
Dr. Ashraf and his team is amazing. All work done under one umbrella for entire family. We all are very happy to be under the care for the last 20 plus years. Lin, dental hygienist is remarkable professional. She knows her job so well that I look forward to my cleaning every time I'm scheduled. Thank you Lin for your amazing work for my entire family!
Alena Delena
Alena Delena
14:50 02 May 22
My family loves Dr Ashraf. We've been through many dentists in many cities and he's by far our favourite one. He's always thorough and professional. His referrals are also of equal high caliber. I went to him for a root canal and a crown. I had many concerns and he addressed them all personally. He even went so far as to redo a root canal for me. Recommend.
Nicole Wood
Nicole Wood
15:31 28 Apr 22
I found Ashraf Dentistry a year ago and I absolutely love their dental clinic. Everyone is very kind and thorough. Lin is the best dental hygienist I've ever had! She takes the time to ensure I receive the care I need. Both dentists I've seen have also been very kind and wonderful at making me feel like my teeth are being taken care of. Highly recommend!
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