A Close Look Into Common Dental Problems

When you are aware of the common diseases that impact oral health, you’ll know what you can do to prevent them. Understanding the symptoms of those diseases will also prompt you to seek treatment sooner rather than later. This important discussion appears in a Verywell Health article by Tammy Davenport, which Ashraf Dentistry summarizes here to fill everyone in with crucial information. (Source: Very Well Health, The Most Common Dental Problems, by Tammy Davenport, medically reviewed by Edmund Khoo, DDS, September 6, 2022, https://www.verywellhealth.com/top-common-dental-problems-1059461 ).
Bad breath
In a vast majority of cases, unpleasant breath results from a dental condition. It could be cavities, dry mouth, odour-causing bacteria on the tongue, or oral cancer. Persistent bad breath may necessitate gum disease treatment, or if caused due to poor oral hygiene, cleanings, and fillings to prevent cavity growth.
Tooth decay
Also called cavities or caries, tooth decay is preventable by brushing twice daily, flossing every day, and getting regular dental check-ups. Avoiding too many sugary drinks will help too. If left untreated, cavities will keep growing and destroy the inside of the tooth. “Cosmetic dentistry cannot correct cavities,” says Ashraf Dentistry. “Depending on how long you’ve had the cavities, you may need cleanings and fillings, root canal treatment, or tooth extraction.”
Gum disease
Gum disease is common among people in their 30s. Smoking, diabetes, and dry mouth are risk factors. Symptoms include bad breath, tender or bleeding gums, pain while chewing, and sensitive teeth. Good oral hygiene helps keep gum disease away and saves hundreds to thousands of dollars on gum disease treatment.
Mouth sores
Many mouth sores are harmless, but those that last more than two weeks may indicate something going on in your body and require medical attention. Be aware that cold sores are contagious while canker sores aren’t.
Sensitive teeth
Sensitivity to cold or hot drinks or food usually indicates a tooth abscess, a pocket of pus that forms inside your teeth or in the gums due to a bacterial infection. Quick treatment is necessary to avoid losing your teeth or suffering a jaw infection. Note that some sensitivity is common after professional teeth whitening but goes away soon on its own.
Toothaches and dental emergencies
Rushed trips to the dentist commonly occur from losing a tooth after an accident, a tooth abscess, or a broken or chipped tooth after a misadventure. Your dentist will recommend a dental implant if you’re missing a tooth. However, dental crowns and bridges, which are considered restorative dentistry, could be recommended as well.
Tooth erosion
Acids can wear away at the tooth enamel, causing sensitivity or even cracking. The loss of the tooth surface is irreversible and can be prevented with good oral care. Veneers, fillings, crowns, or tooth extraction address tooth erosion.
Unattractive smile
People turn to cosmetic dentistry to change their smiles to something they like more. Professional teeth whitening, cleanings, fillings, braces, dental implants, or more extensive cosmetic dental work can fix smiles and boost confidence.
Oral cancer
Oral cancer can be treatable if detected in the early stages. The consequential risk factors are smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, and acquiring cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV) from close/sexual contact with someone who has the virus. Symptoms to watch for include:
- A lip or mouth sore that is slow to heal or doesn’t heal.
- A lump inside the mouth.
- A change in bite.
- Difficulty swallowing.
Be wise on oral hygiene and take good care of your body
Following the best practices of keeping your mouth clean and healthy helps avoid common dental problems. Pay attention to warning signs of dental issues, and get timely treatment, whether that be gum disease treatment or root canal. Suppose your dental issue is cosmetic in nature. In that case, your dental professional will recommend a few options for a natural and healthy-looking smile. You can explore these options with a dentist who offers cosmetic dentistry.