FAQ on Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

You may have come across Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP. The term represents a product of your blood that is immensely rich in blood platelets. Used extensively in medical procedures to accelerate the healing process of the human body, PRP is now used by many dentists as well. Blood platelets serve the purpose of performing a multitude of functions in the body. For instance, they are responsible for forming clots, and this promotes healing in the body. They release growth factors that heal wounds, stimulating stem cells to produce fresh host tissue. Consequently, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is used effectively for the healing process post many dental procedures.
What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma is a particular by-product present in human blood. It has healing components and aids in the quick healing of wounds and post-surgery procedures.
What does the procedure consist of?
Suppose you are about to have a dental surgical procedure. In that case, you may ask your dentist how Platelet Rich Plasma is used to heal post-surgical wounds. PRP entails taking your blood from your arm’s vein and placing this into a centrifuge. In this device, platelets segregated from the rest of the blood are mixed with specific substances to enhance their effects. This is then injected into a wounded area anywhere on your body. The PRP reduces inflammation and acts as a curative agent.
How long is the procedure? Will I need multiple appointments?
The procedure is not lengthy and depending on the number of injections you require (1-3), the duration will last accordingly (30-45 minutes).
Will it be painful?
As in sedation dentistry, the dentist injects a sedative to lessen your pain during a procedure, so Platelet Rich Plasma injected, in the same way, aids in healing. You may have some mild discomfort, but there will be little to no pain.
Which treatments are PRP suggested for?
In the field of oral surgery, any procedure in which the healing requires a kick-start, PRP can be administered.
Are there any recommendations I should follow to get the most out of PRP therapy?
As PRP aids in the regeneration of cells and enhances any healing of wounds, there are specific tips to follow to get the most out of the therapy. You can follow your physician’s recommendations diligently. Some suggestions may include having a balanced diet, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and hydrating yourself appropriately.
Is PRP natural and safe?
PRP is a safe treatment as it uses your blood. With only a minimal amount of blood drawn and the process of injection, the procedure is beneficial. Side effects or allergies will not be an issue as well.
Is there anyone who is not a candidate for PRP therapy?
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy may not be suitable for patients with blood disorders. Your dentist will discuss and assess your health to ensure you are a candidate to receive the therapy.
What are the advantages of PRP therapy?
Your dentist will confirm that PRP Therapy is advantageous in the healing process of any dental procedure like implantation surgery or oral surgery of any kind. It enhances healing and offers a quicker time for recovery.
I am uneasy with blood work and needles. Is there any way to ease this discomfort?
At Dr. Ashraf’s dental clinic, they offer single needle sleep dentistry and anesthetic deep sleep dentistry. Anesthetic deep sleep dentistry is performed once a month. Sedation dentistry is excellent even for individuals who experience anxiety or fear revolving around visiting a dentist or requiring a dental procedure.
PRP is increasingly used today to enhance and propel any healing process, especially after surgery. The results PRP yields are so pertinent to healing that it is used in most fields of medicine.
For additional information on PRP, contact Ashraf Dentistry today.