Your answer to strange dental and oral health issues

Some dental issues don’t catch your attention like the rest. Nonetheless, they speak a lot about your dental health.
This article highlights the six uncommon or strange oral health issues you might experience.
Strange: taste
There may be more than one reason you’d be sensing a foul, awkward taste after eating something.
Taste and Causes
Bitter taste
- Stress and anxiety
- Acid reflux
- Dehydration
Metallic taste
- Consumption of antibiotics
- Consumption of multivitamins
- Cold and fever
Sour taste
- Poor oral health
- Low levels of Zinc
- Smoking
- Cancer treatments
- Unpleasant smell and flavor in your mouth
- Keep yourself hydrated: Drinking 2-3 liters of water daily will flush toxins out of the body and reduce the bacteria in your mouth.
- Chewing gum: Chewing gums that are sugar-free increase the saliva production in the mouth. This results in killing bad bacteria.
- Minimize or stop smoking: this will eliminate the foul taste in the mouth caused by smoke particles and toxic chemicals.
Strange: fuzzy teeth sensation
- Buildup of plaque
- Eating foods with high levels of oxalic acid like spinach.
- Dry mouth
- Having a silky blurred feeling in the mouth or tongue
- It is best to maintain and practice routine oral hygiene at home.
- Schedule a professional dental cleaning.
- Regular dental checkups: if you have any concerns or oral health issues, your dentist will identify the root cause and propose an appropriate solution.
Strange: translucent enamel appearance
Transparent enamel appearance is a condition where the outer enamel wears off.
- Eating highly acidic foods
- GERD, i.e., Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: a condition of acid reflux
- Enamel hypoplasia: a condition where the enamel isn’t developed correctly, or there is an absence of enamel.
- The uneven and transparent appearance of the teeth’s surface
- Veneers: a thin protective layer on teeth that prevents teeth erosion and adds a natural shine to the teeth
- Crowns or Bonding: the dentist creates a hard layer by applying resin or a cap
- Cosmetic dentistry: treatment that improves the look of your smile
Strange: fruity breath
Fruity breath feels like the aftertaste of fruit in your mouth, even though you haven’t eaten it.
- Keto diets
- Diabetes
- Liver disease
- Foul smell in the mouth
- Manage your blood sugars by following the proper exercise, diet, and sleep
- Visit a nutritionist or a diabetologist
Strange: burning mouth syndrome (BMS)
As the name suggests, it is a condition where you feel pain in the mouth as you experience an intense burning or tingling sensation.
- Damaged facial nerves. For example, the cranial nerve and trigeminal nerve
- Lack of nutrition
- Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism: an autoimmune disease caused by hormonal imbalance
- A burning sensation on the overall mouth for months and longer
- Dental treatments
- Consuming clonazepam tablet
Strange: Geminated Tooth
Geminated tooth is a condition where two teeth erupt from a single bud. This condition is also called a double tooth.
- Genetics
- Childhood trauma
- Lack of vitamins
- Growth of two teeth from one root
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Crowns and bridges
- Dental implants
If anyone experiences persistent oral health issues or has noticed uncommon/ strange oral health issues like the ones mentioned above, visiting the dentist is essential. Contact Ashraf Dentistry today and get to the bottom of your strange dental or oral health issue.