A pediatric dental visit

It is a big world, and many circumstances may appear scary to a small child, especially those with creative imaginations. From taking a bath to monsters hiding in closets, each kid is different and may experience fear in different ways. One fear, in particular, that most of them have in common is visiting the dentist. Even if they have never been to one before, they might have a fear about meeting them. So, why exactly do they fear them? Read on to find out.
Why is there anxiety and fear around going to the dentist?
Pop culture
Dentists are seen as the merchant of pain, and pop culture has definitely played a part in it. There are a lot of child-oriented media like comic books and cartoons that make fun of dentists. Your child might see a show where a dentist uses industrial size drills or long syringes on a helpless child. Even adult movies and TV shows have episodes where people are involved in a painful dental procedure. These signs might get easy laughs from the audience, but they can make your child fearful of them.
Hearing your stories
Children act like their parents. Even if they are young, they are able to sense when their parents are nervous. If you are anxious or worried about visiting the dentist, your kids will feel the same. As a parent, you have to put on a brave face so that your children don’t develop your fears. Even if you have just undergone a painful dental procedure, it would be wise not to let your children witness you in pain.
Bad first experience
Fear might be justified in some cases. Suppose your child has never visited a dentist, and they end up getting a cavity; their first visit will be quite painful. Or perhaps, on their first visit, the sound of the tools may have startled them.
By taking your children to visit the dentist throughout the early stages of development, your toddler will become familiar with what is to be expected. It may help soften the overall experience.
Tips for establishing a positive dentist visit
It is vital that your child has a positive dentist visit, or else they might end up being fearful and become apprehensive about oral health. You can implement a few suggestive tips to ensure that when your child visits the dentist for the first time for teeth cleaning or other dental services, they won’t perceive it as a scary place.
Explain to the child the importance of dental health and hygiene
Oral health can have an impact on your overall health. You have to explain the same to your child. You can also use videos and books to help them understand why dental care is important.
Start visits early on so that they are used to the process of visiting with a dentist
The ideal time to schedule your child’s first dental visit is when their first tooth erupts. Even though it might seem early, it can help them get familiar with the common sensations, sounds, and sights in a dental clinic.
Play pretend dentist at home
You can play dentist with your child at home so that they can get used to keeping their mouth open during dental cleaning and letting the dental tool inside their mouth.
Use positive reinforcements after the visit
After the appointment is over, don’t forget to tell them that you are proud of them. Sometimes a few encouraging words are all that’s needed. A special reward can also make the visit pleasant for them as well.
Bring them to your appointment (parents can lead by example)
Children follow in the footsteps of their parents. If you take them with you for your dentist’s appointment, they will be able to see everything and know that you are comfortable with getting work done on your teeth.
Be sure to visit a pediatric dentist
You might wonder why you need a pediatric dentist for your child, not a general dentist. The truth is that visiting a pediatric dentist for your child offers a multitude of benefits, including:
- They specialize in dentistry for children
- They have specialized training in dealing with children
- Your kid will have a kid-friendly waiting room and office
- They have kid-friendly equipment
- They love kids
A pediatric dentist has the expertise to cater to a child’s individual needs and provide specialized care. Contact Ashraf Dentistry today to book a pediatric dental appointment and ensure that your child will experience quality dental care services.